Saturday, January 17, 2015

Would I?

Got challenged by Calvin J to do this.

1. Would you ever cheat on someone if they cheated on you?

Nahhhh.. Break it up first then hook up with the other. It's not cheating then right?

2. Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?
Nope. God knows who I invited into my car. Sometimes I'm not being unkind, I'm just being careful.

3. Would you ever try fasting for a whole week?
No. A big NO. Food for life! I just love eating too much.

4. Would you ever try to quit one of your addictions?
Addictions huh.. Depends. Like if my addictions hurt someone then I would. But I don't have any addictions. So not necessary to quit. LOL.

5. Would you ever dye your hair purple?
Yeap! Been planning to do that since last year I think. Dark shades of purple though. Not the K-pop light shade. Like this:

Probably look blueish without light, but under sunlight, bam! 

6. Would you ever spend $100 for the best tasting hamburger in the world?

The bestest best? Of course. 

7. Would you rather chew gum off the ground or kill a squirrel?
Chew. I don't like harming other people/animals. 

8. Would you rather play Monopoly or Operation?
Monopoly duhhhh.. Best relationship breaker. Hahahahaha..

9. Would you rather eat chocolate or fruity candies?
Chocolate! Always.

10. Would you rather listen to one CD forever or become deaf?
CD. And I'll put all my songs into one CD. And constantly update the songs in that one CD. 

11. Would you rather text or talk on the phone?
Text. It's convenient. And it's not annoying. Imagine you're doing something really serious and someone calls you. Like gaming. LOL. Unless if it's really important and urgent then I'll call. 

12. Would you rather spend a day with Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus?
Gaga. Not a huge fan of Miley. 

13. Would you rather have a stomachache or headache?
Stomachache. I can't stand headaches. They make me useless. At least I can still be productive even when I need to go to the toilet often. Headache makes me can't think or do anything. 

14. Would you rather be overly interesting or overly dull?
Overly interesting. Better be fascinating than be boring. 

15. Would you rather be too loud or too quiet?
Now this is tricky. But I'll go with overly loud. I'm a talkative person (except with strangers and newly made friends). So I'll probably kill myself if I can't make noise. Despite saying that, I must consider the environment first lar. 

16. Would you rather have no electricity or no water in your house?
No electricity. Imagine the toilet bowl is not flushed after pooping. Ewwwww... And having no electricity is more cost effective. I can pay for a cup of coffee at Starbucks and use their Wifi and electricity whole day. If you wanna bathe you actually need to rent a room. So yeah. (coming from a Maths student. lol)

17. Would you rather go out without your wallet or smartphone?
Without my wallet. Someone can pay for me first. Or I can call someone to bring my wallet to me. Without my phone I can't contact anyone at all, emergency or not. If I get kidnapped, habis. And nowadays there are more shops allowing you to pay things through an app installed in the smartphone.  

18. Would you rather be caught by a friend seeing you masturbating or showering?
Showering. Then maybe he can join me. Hahahahaha.. Damn awkward if caught masturbating. But I don't really mind though, depending on who's gonna catch me doing it. Just preferring showering over masturbating. Lol.

19. Would you rather be scolded by your boss in front of all your colleagues or scolded by your friend in a public place such as restaurant?
Boss is fine. I mean he/she is my superior so him/her scolding me is normal. But if my friend want to scold me must have valid reason lor. 

20. Would you marry someone whom you have no feelings for, if that person gives you a million dollar?
Nope. I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm still waiting for my own Christian Grey. 

So I've done it! And now I'm gonna dread Saturdays because I have class till 4pm. Wth.. There goes my weekend. 

Signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Finally!!! Hahaha!!! I like your answer to no.10. Your no.16 so smart hor. Go Starbucks. No.17 no wallet, so someone can pay for you first? But what if you're out alone? Call your friend to where you are to pay for you? You should try that one day and see how many friends actually willing to do that? True friend test!!! Jeng jeng jeng... Hahaha...
